45565b7e23 1 May 1992 . Report Number(s):: EPRI-TR-100622-Vol.1. Resource Type: Technical Report. Country of Publication: United States. Language: English.. Title, Substation Grounding Programs: Interim Report Volume 100622 of EPRI TR. Contributors, A. P. Sakis Meliopoulos, Electric Power Research Institute,.. EPRI's MANAGES 4.0 upgrade will assist participants in meeting new monitoring and reporting requirements, managing data, and developing compliance.. 4 Aug 2000 . distributed ground rods were computed using a computer program (EPRI TR-100622 [B63]). The depth of the ground rods was dependent on.. Grounding grid's performance can be calculated by different methods like the analytical equations found in IEEE (80-2000), programs like EPRI TR-100622.. An EPRI project (EPRI TR-100622 [B63]) included such a eld test. The project included comparisons of the eld test results with a computer solution. World-Wide.. 26 Nov 2014 . EPRI TR-100622 [IEEE (80-2000)]. 2.67. 2.52. 2.28. ETAP. 2.67. 2.5. 2.25. Table 2 Ground potential rise (GPR). Ground potential rise GPR-.. program of EPRI TR-100622 [363] has been developed. This method attempts to correlate the substation zero sequence fault obtained from a standard short.. 10 Feb 2000 . In the above reference the U.S. NRC supplied a Safety Evaluation Report on the subject topical report. EPRI has published the subject report.. Electric Power Research Institute, EPRI, and TOGETHER . TR-100622 V1-V5 - Substation Grounding Programs: Volumes 1-5, 1992 May 1992, Technical.. EPRI Substation Grounding Project Summaries of Published Reports 19812011 . TR-100622 V1-V5 . but washed gravel was more effective than crusher-run.. Thus, the grid current is Using EPRI TR-100622 [B63], the total fault current 3 I 0 is 2472 A. Approximately 34% ( I g = 836 A) of the fault current fl ows through.. EPRI TR-100622, Substation Grounding Programs, Vol. 1-5, May, 1992. 6. R.J.Heppe, Computation of Potential at Surface above an Energized Grid or Other.. 5 Jan 2018 . . to varying weather conditions as described in EPRI TR 100863 [B65]. . [B57]; EPRI EL-2699 [B61]; EPRI EL-3982 [B63]; EPRI TR- 100622.. I doubt that Figure B.8 is directly from the EPRI program. . "Using the computer program of EPRI TR-100622 [B63], a square grid with.. 12 Feb 2015 . EPRI TR-100622 [IEEE (80-2000)] 2.67 2.52 2.28. ETAP 2.67 2.5 2.25. Table 2 Ground potential rise (GPR). Ground potential rise GPR-volts.. 6 May 2014 . Conference, Atlanta, May 1982. 5. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) TR-. 100622. Substation grounding programs. May. 1992; (15). 6.. 3 Jun 2015 . Input data for Example 2 - Annex B The grounding grid resistance is calculated as follows: The program of EPRI TR-100622 gives a result of.. Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Daejeon, KOREA (e-mail: . Tr. Fig. 1. Configuration of the current splits measuring circuit. Configuration of the test site.. Publisher: Palo Alto, Calif. : Electric Power Research Institute, 1992. Series: EPRI TR, 100622. Edition/Format: Print book : English. Rating: (not yet rated) 0 with.
Epri Tr 100622
Updated: Mar 27, 2020